Root of the Issue Podcast
The Root of the Issue is made possible through the generous support of the AARP Foundation
Championing Health Equity:
A Conversation with Jeffrey Smythe
Welcome to "Root of the Issue," the podcast of the Root Cause Coalition. This week, we are joined by Jeffrey Smythe, the Executive Director of the Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement (ARCHI) in Atlanta, Georgia. Tune in as we discuss Jeff’s journey, the impactful work of ARCHI, and the ongoing efforts to create a healthier, more equitable community.
Conversations with Health Equity Champions
The Root of the Issue shares the personal and professional journeys of nationally recognized health equity advocates and their work to end disparities in access to healthcare and basic needs in America. Our podcast provides inspiration to become involved in our collective quest for health equity and offers common sense solutions to the underlying injustices that prevent all Americans from living a life of health and well-being.